Lighthouse Reports Wins Inaugural Access Info Impact Award
Madrid, 27 September 2024 – Lighthouse Reports has been awarded the first-ever Access Info Impact Award for its leadership in the groundbreaking ‘Suspicion Machines’ investigation, which uncovered discriminatory algorithmic practices across Europe. Lighthouse Reports spearheaded the collaborative investigation series Suspicion Machines, which revealed how machine learning algorithms used by
Finalists Announced for the Inaugural Access Info Impact Award
Madrid 23 September 2024 – Access Info is proud to announce the three finalists for the first-ever Access Info Impact Award. The Access Info Impact Award aims to honour individuals and organisations that have effectively used their right to information to advance human rights, environmental protection, democracy, or anti-corruption
Convocatoria de nominaciones para el Access Info Impact Award
Madrid, 12 de agosto de 2024 – Access Info Europe ha lanzado el Access Info Impact Award, un premio que celebra las personas que han utilizado su derecho a la información para tener un impacto positivo en la sociedad. El Access Info Impact Award reconoce a quienes han aprovechado
35 organizaciones lanzan un manifiesto con medidas urgentes para mejorar la salud democrática en España
Madrid, 17 de julio de 2024: Access Info, junto con más de 30 organizaciones, ha lanzado un manifiesto que demanda una mayor transparencia y participación ciudadana para la regeneración de la democracia española. Las organizaciones firmantes del manifiesto, que nace del convencimiento de que la regeneración democrática sólo es
Priorities on 21st International Access to Information Day
Madrid, 28 September 2023 – International Access to Information Day has gone from something founded by a small group of civil society activists from around the world in Sofia, Bulgaria on 28 September 2002, to a UN and UNESCO day, also celebrated by official bodies across the globe. Since International
Malteški sud presudio u korist organizacije za promicanje i zaštitu prava na informacije
Oštro | 31/01/2023 Croatian - Žalbeni sud u Malti presudio je u korist Access Info Europe, nevladine organizacije sa sjedištem u Madridu, utvrdivši da je vlada Malte diskriminirala stranu građanku tako što je prekršila njezina prava na pristup informacijama. Read more...
Cover photo: Joshua Hayes via Flick (CC BY-SA 2.0)