25 Oct 2019

Ma Dada: un nuevo servicio en línea para solicitar información en Francia


París/Madrid, viernes 25 de octubre 2019 - Open Knowledge France, el equipo local de la ONG Open Knowledge Foundation, con sede en Cambridge, con el apoyo de Access Info Europe y la asociación ouvre-boîte, lanza madada.fr, un servicio en línea an online service destinado a simplificar las solicitudes de acceso a la información en Francia. El principal objetivo de Ma Dada platform es ayudar a investigadores, empresas, periodistas, asociaciones o ciudadans que quieran ejercer su derecho de acceso a la información pública, a través de un servicio gratuito y de libre acceso. Ma Dada pretende facilitar las peticiones de los

Ma Dada: un nuevo servicio en línea para solicitar información en Francia2019-10-28T16:21:01+01:00
10 Oct 2019

La participación ciudadana: una tarea pendiente en Europa


 Madrid, 10 octubre 2019 – Los gobiernos nacionales, la Unión Europea y los representantes políticos en Europa fallan a la hora de responder las consultas de los ciudadanos, según revela un estudio publicado hoy por Access Info y otras organizaciones colaboradoras. Urge una respuesta para afrontar esta carencia y recuperar la confianza en las instituciones públicas. La publicación "50 preguntas clave para el futuro de la Unión Europea" explica cómo más de 200 ciudadanos de cinco países diferentes lanzaron más de 300 preguntas sobre el futuro de Europa que enviamos a distintas autoridades públicas, diputados y eurodiputados. Las preguntas trataban

La participación ciudadana: una tarea pendiente en Europa2020-01-29T10:44:51+01:00
14 Jun 2019

European Ombudsman: European Commission was wrong to withhold its legal advice on the future Lobby Register from Access Info


Madrid, 14 June 2019 – The European Ombudsman has found the European Commission guilty of maladministration for not releasing to Access Info the Commission’s legal advice on the reform of the European Union’s register of lobbyists, known as the Transparency Register. Today’s decision by the Ombudsman comes after a three-year tussle over whether or not Access Info should have been provided with the Commission’s analysis about the legal basis for regulating lobbying in Brussels, the world’s second largest lobby capital after Washington. The initial request for information was made by Access Info in May 2016 at the height of discussions

European Ombudsman: European Commission was wrong to withhold its legal advice on the future Lobby Register from Access Info2020-01-29T10:39:42+01:00
28 May 2019

Concurso «Citizen Participation 2.0» Soluciones digitales para mejorar la participación ciudadana


¿Tienes una idea para una nueva aplicación o plataforma que ayude a mejorar la comunicación y participación ciudadana para resolver los problemas de sus comunidades? ¿Eres de los que piensa que una democracia digital puede ayudar a mejorar la inclusión de la ciudadanía en la toma de decisiones? Si tus respuestas a estas preguntas son positivas, te invitamos a compartir tu idea sobre una solución digital innovadora que fortalezca el activismo ciudadano y mejore la comunicación entre los ciudadanos y aquellos que toman las decisiones. Seleccionaremos las cinco mejores ideas, y entre ellas habrá el ganador o ganadora de un

Concurso «Citizen Participation 2.0» Soluciones digitales para mejorar la participación ciudadana2019-06-13T12:30:38+02:00
25 May 2019

Elecciones europeas: una evaluación de los programas electorales


A pocas horas de realizarse las elecciones europeas, Access Info hace un llamado a los ciudadan@s europe@s a que acudan a elegir a sus próximos representantes. Conscientes de que un voto informado es crucial para nuestro futuro hemos realizado una valoración en relación con la transparencia en las actividades de la Unión Europea de cinco países en donde la representación es alta, entre ellos: Alemania, Francia, Italia, Reino Unido (disponibles en la versión en inglés) y España. La metodología utilizada fue la siguiente: • Temática: Toma de decisiones, en este punto se evaluó la transparencia de instituciones europeas en general,

Elecciones europeas: una evaluación de los programas electorales2019-05-31T12:20:38+02:00
4 Feb 2019

Members of European Parliament vote for transparency about who lobbies them


With a difference of four votes, there is now more transparency in lobbying of Members of the European Parliament. The European Parliament voted for MEPs to publish online information about meetings with lobbyist on 31 January 2019. The vote had to be approved by at least 376 votes for an amendment to its Rules of Procedure. With a total of 630 members of the European Parliament, 380 were for the proposal, 224 against, and 26 abstained. Now whenever members of the European Parliament interact with lobbyist their scheduled meetings and notes must be published online. For more information: https://sven-giegold.de/groundbreaking-success-lobby-transparency/   

Members of European Parliament vote for transparency about who lobbies them2020-01-29T11:06:57+01:00
3 Jul 2018

European Parliament leaders vote against spending transparency


Madrid, 3 July 2018 – Access Info condemns the move by the European Parliament to keep secret details how Member of the European Parliament (MEPs) spend their general expenditure allowance, a lump sum amount of €4,342 per month. The vote on the evening of 2 July by the Bureau of the European Parliament, a body of 14 senior MEPs, which oversees budget and administration matters, voted down a proposal to increase transparency around the General Expenditure Allowance (GEA), which would have resulted in requiring receipts to be kept and checked and unspent funds to be returned. The 2 July

European Parliament leaders vote against spending transparency2020-01-29T10:40:48+01:00
28 Jun 2018

Montenegro: Analysis of 2017 amendments finds that they seriously undermine the Law on Free Access to Information


Access Info and MANS call for a working group on reform of the law, possibly as part of Montenegro’s re-established OGP process Madrid/Podgorica, 28 June 2018: Access Info Europe and MANS today called on the Montenegrin government to undo its 2017 amendments to Law on Free Access to Information (originally adopted in 2006) in order to bring it back into line with international standards. In an analysis of the Law also launched today, Access Info and MANS signalled that a particular concern is Article 1, newly added in 2017, which contains a series of class exclusions such

Montenegro: Analysis of 2017 amendments finds that they seriously undermine the Law on Free Access to Information2020-01-29T11:14:13+01:00
23 Mar 2018

The General Court of the European Union rules in favour of greater openness of the EU legislative process


Madrid, 23 March 2018 – Access Info has welcomed the 22 March 2018 judgment of the General Court of the European Union in the case of De Capitani v Parliament, a ruling in favour of legislative transparency. The Court found that the European Parliament was wrong when, in 2016, it denied Emilio De Capitani, a former senior official at the Parliament, access to documents produced in the EU’s secretive, informal, “trilogue” negotiations between the Council, Commission, and Parliament. The General Court emphasised that “openness strengthens democracy by allowing scrutiny of the legislative process” and that “the possibility for citizens to

The General Court of the European Union rules in favour of greater openness of the EU legislative process2018-11-13T10:03:04+01:00
2 Mar 2018

European Commission starts publishing travel expenses proactively


Madrid, 2 March 2018 – Access Info Europe has welcomed today the start of proactive publication of EU Commissioners travel expenses as a positive step towards greater transparency and accountability of spending of public funds. Proactive publication of this information had been a crucial demand of Access Info, which has led a campaign for greater transparency of travel expenses since 2014. Finally, in September 2017 the European Commission had announced changes to Commissioners’ code of conduct that would require publication of these expenses every two months. Since Wednesday (28 February 2018), the information is publicly available online, although it’s not

European Commission starts publishing travel expenses proactively2019-11-04T17:11:42+01:00