
Lobis e información clasificada, las reformas prometidas para dar luz que siguen sin llegar


el Periódico de España | 31/12/2022 Spanish - Estaba entre los planes del Gobierno, como lo ha estado en los de muchos otros de sus antecesores, reformar la Ley de Secretos Oficiales. Pero del dicho al hecho siempre hay demasiado camino. La promesa ya aparecía en el programa electoral del PSOE de 1996, año en que el popular José María Aznar llegó a aprobar un proyecto de ley que acabó guardando en un cajón. El escándalo del espionaje de Pegasus convirtió en “impostergable”, en palabras de Pedro Sánchez, una reforma que el PNV venía pidiendo desde 2016 y que se

Lobis e información clasificada, las reformas prometidas para dar luz que siguen sin llegar2023-01-10T11:32:53+01:00

¿Hay transparencia en España?: récord de información denegada en 2022


el Periódico de España | 31/12/2022 Spanish - En la España de 2013, el tesorero del partido en el Gobierno entraba por primera vez en prisión, los escándalos salpicaban a la mismísima hija del rey, dos expresidentes andaluces acababan imputados por unos ERE fraudulentos y un expresidente de diputación era condenado por delitos fiscales. Los españoles desayunaban cada día con un nuevo escándalo de corrupción que destapaba las vergüenzas de unos dirigentes que se habían movido con demasiada soltura en la oscuridad de sus despachos. La transparencia era uno de esos asuntos a los que España llegaba tarde. Junto con

¿Hay transparencia en España?: récord de información denegada en 20222023-01-10T11:29:53+01:00

Global Data Barometer: What the EU should do to close the data gap


Madrid, 22 December 2022 – Access Info is today calling on the European Union and EU Member States to act to ensure that data needed for priority issues such as for preventing corruption and tackling climate change, is made public in all countries. This call comes following the publication on 16 December 2022 of the report “The State of Data for the Public Good in Europe” with results of the Global Data Barometer for the European region, with concerning findings such as low scores for Climate Action data at only 44% and Political Integrity – data essential to prevent

Global Data Barometer: What the EU should do to close the data gap2023-01-12T10:51:08+01:00

Alerta sobre limitar la libertad de los medios de comunicación y la de expresión en nombre de la regulación del lobby


Sueldos Públicos - Transparencia y Libertad en la Red | 07/12/2022 Spanish - Access Info ha advertido del riesgo de que algunos gobiernos utilicen las disposiciones propuestas para limitar la libertad de los medios de comunicación y la libertad de expresión en nombre de la regulación de la "influencia" y de garantizar que los funcionarios públicos estén "protegidos de influencias indebidas". Read more...

Alerta sobre limitar la libertad de los medios de comunicación y la de expresión en nombre de la regulación del lobby2022-12-12T13:58:35+01:00

Access Denied: What now after ECJ restricts access to companies’ ownership data?


Balkan Insight | 06/12/2022 English - When the European Union’s top court, the Court of Justice of the European Union, ECJ, on November 22 struck down a provision in money-laundering legislation that guarantees the public full access to registers of company ownership, it was not unexpected. But it was still greeted with outrage by NGOs and the media alike. Read more...

Access Denied: What now after ECJ restricts access to companies’ ownership data?2022-12-12T13:52:36+01:00

Missing Data Opens the Door to Corruption


Madrid, 9 December 2022 – On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, Access Info is calling on European governments to do more to ensure that the data needed for preventing corruption is both collected and made public. In the wake of the shock ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union, which has already  suspended access to beneficial ownership registers in various countries, including Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta and the Netherlands, Access Info warns that it is not only data on the owners of businesses that is missing. Access Info’s research as part of

Missing Data Opens the Door to Corruption2022-12-14T16:44:05+01:00

No Biodiversity: Europe’s Missing Climate Action Data


Madrid, 8 December 2022 – As the UN Biodiversity Conference opens in Montreal, Canada, Access Info has raised concerns about the shortage of biodiversity data with the Global Data Barometer findings being only 43% for biodiversity data in European countries, and only 27% globally. Our research found that no biodiversity data is published online in six (6) European countries, namely Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia. The Global Data Barometer also found a score for Emissions data of 61% in Europe against just 32% globally, with worrying little data on Vulnerabilities to climate change at a low 28%

No Biodiversity: Europe’s Missing Climate Action Data2022-12-14T16:43:26+01:00

Not all Expression is Lobbying


Submission to OECD Consultation on Lobbying and Influence Madrid, 6 December 2022 – In its analysis of the draft OECD Recommendation on the regulation of lobbying and influence, Access Info has warned of the risk of some governments using the proposed provisions to limit media freedom and freedom of expression in the name of regulating “influence” and ensuring that public officials are “shielded from undue influence”. In the full version of its submission to the consultation on the OECD Recommendation on Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying and Influence (hereinafter “Draft Recommendation) [1], Access Info highlights concerns about the broad

Not all Expression is Lobbying2023-01-11T12:13:43+01:00

Lack of data to fight corruption and climate change! Find out how EU countries perform in the Global Data Barometer


Join us on 16 December 2022 at 14:00h CET on Zoom for the launch of the European region results of the first Global Data Barometer (GDB). We will be discussing how Europe is the strongest region globally on data for public good, but still only has a middling score of 51% overall. The report reveals which data exists and which is missing in areas such as anti-corruption, company & beneficial ownership information, climate action, and health and covid. For 21 European countries, we will be discussing what we can learn from the highest scoring country Estonia with 67% and the

Lack of data to fight corruption and climate change! Find out how EU countries perform in the Global Data Barometer2022-12-20T11:27:52+01:00