2425_Spain_transparency_2_300x150Madrid, 9 April 2012 – Spanish citizens have until tomorrow, Tuesday 10 April, to make comments on the draft transparency law and to tell the government that they want a much stronger protection of the right of access to information.

The draft law had numerous weaknesses, including a very limited definition of information, a limited scope of bodies to which it applies, and an ill-defined and non-independent oversight mechanism.

Access Info Europe has launched a campaign with Avaaz calling for a stronger law, which has already been signed by over 60,000 people.

Those inside and outside Spain are encouraged to sign and disseminate the petition: http://www.avaaz.org/es/spain_transparencia_vs_corrupcion/?cl=1699191603&v=13479 .


Instructions on how to participate in the public consultation along with suggested texts based on international standards can be found on the Access Info Europe website: http://www.access-info.org/es/coalicion-pro-acceso/232-consulta-publica-ley-esp.

Access Info Europe notes that some people have been having problems making submissions to the consultation – all problems can be reported to Access Info Europe which will raise the concerns with the Spanish government.

It is unacceptable after more than eight years waiting for an access to information law that the text presented to us would put Spain on the bottom rung of the transparency ladder and not at the top,” commented Victoria Anderica, Campaigner with Access Info Europe.

But we still have time to make our voices heard and to demand improvements,” added Anderica. 

For more information please contact:
Victoria Anderica, Legal Researcher and Campaigner in Access Info Europe,
www.access-info.org | email:  victoria@access-info.org | +34 34 606 59 29