25 Feb 2015

Guía de acceso a los Documentos de la UE


Para celebrar el Día de Europa, Access Info publicó en 2013 una Guía para ayudar al ciudadano a acceder a los Documentos de la UE, animando a los miembros de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y pública a ejercer sus derechos y presentar solicitudes de acceso a los documentos. La UE ha reconocido como derecho fundamental el acceso a los documentos de la dicha institución. Sin embargo, la ley de libertad de información de la UE – que tiene el llamativo título de 'Regulación 1049/2001' – sigue siendo poco utilizada por la mayoría de la población. La guía desmistifica

Guía de acceso a los Documentos de la UE2018-11-13T09:47:19+01:00
25 Feb 2015

Aid Transparency Toolkit


Published in October 2009, the Aid Transparency Toolkit is a guide for civil society organisations and members of the public interested in knowing more about how aid works and where the money goes to get the answers to their questions. This Toolkit is designed for CSOs in the north and south working on aid effectiveness, monitoring the implementation of aid projects, seeking to participate in decision making on development strategies or investigating corruption in aid funding and delivery. It can also be used by individuals from donor or recipient countries who are intersted in knowing about aid funds. The toolkit

Aid Transparency Toolkit2020-02-14T15:34:35+01:00
25 Feb 2015

Legal Leaks Toolkit


This toolkit is designed for journalists working in any media – newspapers, radio, and television – as well as bloggers and other information professionals who need to get access to information held by public bodies for their stories. The toolkit is for journalists making requests in their own country or considering filing a request in another country. It is based on a comparative analysis of the access to information of the 40 countries of the Council of Europe region which have such laws. In many places in the text we have put references where national law or practice deviates from

Legal Leaks Toolkit2020-02-14T15:34:41+01:00
23 Feb 2015

El lobby en España


Access Info Europe colabora en el libro realizado por el Foro Empresarial APRI, El Lobby en España ¿asignatura pendiente?, publicado por la editorial Algón Editores, con un capítulo dedicado a las puertas giratorias. Se trata de una obra colectiva que analiza el papel de los lobbies, su necesidad, los costes públicos de su ausencia, las alternativas de su regulación o los efectos cuando esta no existe, en un intento serio y profesional de desmitificar uno de los elementos esenciales de todo proceso democrático. Un libro que reflexiona sobre la relación directa que existe entre desarrollo democrático y la existencia de

El lobby en España2020-02-14T15:35:01+01:00
22 Feb 2015

Transparency of Media Ownership


Access Info Europe and the Open Society Media Program launched Ten Recommendations for Transparency of Media Ownership in a presentation to the 47 governments of the Council of Europe meeting in Belgrade, Serbia. Presenting the recommendations, Mark Thompson of the Open Society Media Program called for the Council of Europe to take a lead in creating a regulatory framework for ensuring that citizens can know who really owns the media. "Public knowledge of owners' identities helps to ensure that abuses of media power can be assessed, publicised, openly debated and even prevented." Research released by Access Info Europe and the

Transparency of Media Ownership2020-02-14T15:35:08+01:00
22 Feb 2015

AsktheEU.org Report on the Council of the European Union


The Council of the EU is failing to comply with EU transparency rules by not respecting time frames for responding, applying too many extensions to requests, and not informing all requesters of their right to appeal when information is denied, according to a report published today by Access Info Europe. Analysis of 50 access to documents requests submitted to the Council between 2011 and 2013 via the AsktheEU.org platform, found that the average time for answering was 20 working days, significantly over the maximum 15 working days permitted by EU law. Requests which resulted in partial denials of information were

AsktheEU.org Report on the Council of the European Union2020-02-14T16:00:23+01:00
4 Jul 2013

The Global Right to Information Update: The right to information movement is well positioned to fight for better commitments on corporate transparency and open data.


Madrid, 8 July 2013 – The largest analysis of the worldwide movement for access to information, The Global Right to Information Update was published today by the Freedom of Information Advocates Network. The publication looks at how the movement for the right to information has brought issues of transparency and open government to the forefront of political and economic debate – as reflected in recent weeks in open data commitments made by the G8 – and maps out the challenges lying ahead. The authors, human rights advocates from seven continents, report on the threat to progress made so far posed

The Global Right to Information Update: The right to information movement is well positioned to fight for better commitments on corporate transparency and open data.2020-02-14T11:22:21+01:00
14 Dic 2011

Rendition on Record: Report reveals Europe’s cover-up of CIA rendition-to-torture evidence


London/Madrid, 19 December 2011 - Just days after new details emerged of a secret CIA prison in Romania used to torture terrorism suspects, a report by two international human rights organisations shows that many European countries are suppressing evidence of their role in the USA’s notorious rendition programme. The report, Rendition on Record, produced by open government specialists Access Info Europe and legal action charity Reprieve reveals how 28 countries have responded to a total of 67 requests for information about specific rendition flights carried out between 2002 and 2006. While six European countries and the USA responded by releasing

Rendition on Record: Report reveals Europe’s cover-up of CIA rendition-to-torture evidence2023-07-27T15:51:48+02:00
1 Oct 2011

Anti-Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology


The Access Info Europe “Anti-Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology” is designed for anyone wanting to assess levels of transparency in the fields of corruption prevention and integrity promotion. Being transparent implies that governments make available, either at their own initiative or in response to access to information requests, certain classes of information  which are essential for evaluating how public power is being exercised and how public funds are being spent. The Anti-Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology is a practical guide which can be used by civil society, journalists, academics and others to evaluate whether the key information needed to prevent and/or identify

Anti-Corruption Transparency Monitoring Methodology2018-11-13T10:06:04+01:00
17 Ene 2011

Reports on the EU


Reports on Transparency in the European Union The Secret State of EU Transparency Reforms This report came out of Access Info's litigation with the Council of the European Union at the General Court of the EU (Case T-233/09). We had asked for documents showing what was being debated during the reform process of EU Regulation 1049/2001 on access to Parliament, Council and Commission documents. The Council replied giving us some information, but nothing that would allow us to identify who was saying what behind the Brussels doors. So we set about asking each EU Member State instead. The Secret State

Reports on the EU2018-11-13T10:13:37+01:00