2 Mar 2018

European Commission starts publishing travel expenses proactively


Madrid, 2 March 2018 – Access Info Europe has welcomed today the start of proactive publication of EU Commissioners travel expenses as a positive step towards greater transparency and accountability of spending of public funds. Proactive publication of this information had been a crucial demand of Access Info, which has led a campaign for greater transparency of travel expenses since 2014. Finally, in September 2017 the European Commission had announced changes to Commissioners’ code of conduct that would require publication of these expenses every two months. Since Wednesday (28 February 2018), the information is publicly available online, although it’s not

European Commission starts publishing travel expenses proactively2019-11-04T17:11:42+01:00
8 Feb 2018

Secrecy over international relations trumps transparency of EU-Turkey deal


Madrid, 8 February 2018 - The General Court of the European Union has ruled that the public does not have the right to access the European Commission’s legal advice on the March 2016 EU-Turkey agreement on returning migrants and asylum seekers from Greece to Turkey. The Commission had applied a series of exceptions to documents requested by Access Info Europe, documents that the court process revealed included late night emails between high level public officials discussing legal and political aspects of the controversial deal. The judgments shed further light on the scope and application by the EU Commission of the

Secrecy over international relations trumps transparency of EU-Turkey deal2019-11-07T10:28:33+01:00
8 Feb 2018

The documents in dispute: The European Commission’s legal advice on the EU-Turkey deal


From 7 March 2016, the day when a pre-agreement with Turkey was reached, to 12 April 2016, when the deal was already under implementation, the European Commission consulted with its legal services on a wide range of issues related to the legality of the EU-Turkey agreement. These consultations resulted in a total of 11 documents – sometimes produced at late hours in the night – which were exchanged between the different actors involved in the making of the deal, accompanied with telephone conversations. Access to that information was challenged by Access Info Europe in two cases before the General Court

The documents in dispute: The European Commission’s legal advice on the EU-Turkey deal2019-11-07T10:29:55+01:00
2 Feb 2018

European Commission formalises commitment to public travel expenses


Madrid, 2 February 2018 - The European Commission has formalised its commitment, first pledged in September 2017, to make public the travel expenses of the Commissioners: on 31 January 2018 the new Code of Conduct for the Members of the European Commission was published and it confirms that mission expenses will be published every two months. This commitment in the new Code of Conduct comes exactly one year since, on 27 January 2017, Access Info launched a public campaign calling for publication of the Commissioners’ travel expenses. The campaign attracted media coverage, over both the lack of transparency and –

European Commission formalises commitment to public travel expenses2018-11-13T10:03:05+01:00
14 Sep 2017

EU Commissioners’ travel expenses to be published proactively every two months


Madrid, 14 September 2017 - Access Info today cautiously welcomed draft changes to the Code of Conduct for EU Commissioners announced yesterday by the EU, which will require the proactive publication of travel expenses every two months. The pro-transparency organisation, which, with the support of 120 citizens from across Europe, has been campaigning for access to the Commissioners’ travel expenses, noted that the draft text of the Code contains nothing on the precise data to be made public. Access Info has called for more specificities. “The devil is in the detail. A truly transparent system will provide citizens with enough

EU Commissioners’ travel expenses to be published proactively every two months2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00
1 Sep 2017

EU President Juncker plans to publish Commission travel expenses – Access Info calls for full and detailed transparency


Madrid, 1 September 2017 - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is planning to publish the travel expenses of the EU’s 28 Commissioners according to reports today by Le Soir newspaper and Politico.eu. This move comes in the wake of a campaign by Access Info and 120 requesters from across Europe, which generated intense media coverage earlier in August. Reports suggest that publication of the data will only happen once per year and will be designed to give the public a “picture” of the travel costs. Access Info is calling for more frequent publication, noting that once every month should be

EU President Juncker plans to publish Commission travel expenses – Access Info calls for full and detailed transparency2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00
14 Ago 2017

Fact-checking the European Commission’s press conference on the Commissioners’ expenses


Madrid, 14 August 2017 - On 9 August, European Commission spokesperson Mina Andreeva faced a barrage of questions from journalists about the European Commissioners’ travel expenses, after two months of detailed data was disclosed following a three-year campaign by Access Info Europe. Access Info has fact-checked some of Andreeva’s key statements. 1. “We do publish mission expenses whenever we are asked to provide information.” The European Commission has been hugely resistant to publishing this information. After a long campaign by Access Info and 120 requesters from around Europe who submitted, in total, over 200 requests, we have managed to obtain

Fact-checking the European Commission’s press conference on the Commissioners’ expenses2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00
27 Jul 2017

Transparency of Commissioners’ travel expenses “disproportionate” says European Commission


Madrid, 27 July 2017 – Access Info has described as extremely regrettable that six months after 120 European citizens requested access to last year’s travel expenses of the 28 EU Commissioners, the Commission has taken a unilateral decision to disclose data just for January and February 2016, and that it will not contemplate any greater transparency. Furthermore, in response to our letter to Vice President Timmermans proposing that this data be published proactively, the Commission has concluded that it “does not see added value in publishing online the detailed travel expenses” as the cost of processing the data “would be

Transparency of Commissioners’ travel expenses “disproportionate” says European Commission2018-11-13T10:03:18+01:00
21 Jul 2017

EU’s top court confirms that all documents held by European Commission fall under access to documents rules


Madrid, 21 July 2017 - Access Info Europe welcomed this week’s ruling from the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union, that the Commission cannot automatically refuse access to whole categories of documents in its possession. The Court confirmed that the EU institutions should always apply the EU’s access to documents rules to any documents they hold, regardless of the original authors. “Sometimes it’s important to confirm basic principles of this fundamental right, such as that if the Commission holds a document, it has to process a request, and there can never be automatic denials, no

EU’s top court confirms that all documents held by European Commission fall under access to documents rules2018-11-13T10:03:19+01:00
20 Jun 2017

Requesters appeal to EU Ombudsman for access to Commissioners’ expenses


Madrid, 20 June 2017 - Access Info Europe and 53 requesters from across Europe appealed to the European Ombudsman about the European Commissions’ failure to register, process, and respond to requests for the 2016 travel expenses of EU Commissioners submitted five months ago, in January 2017. The joint complaint highlights the Commission’s four major violations of the EU transparency rules: (1) the failure to even register 152 of the requests; (2) the failure to process 188 of the requests; (3) failing to respond to 51 appeals; (4) for outright refusals to process requests for President Juncker, the Vice President Timmermans,

Requesters appeal to EU Ombudsman for access to Commissioners’ expenses2018-11-13T10:03:19+01:00