Action: Joint Requests on Data Retention

10 March 2011, Madrid/London: Access Info and Statewatch are inviting civil society across Europe to take part in the first joint information request campaign under the Access for Rights Project.The goal is to present the same request to governments across Europe and then compile the responses for use in human rights advocacy work.

The first request is for information on how the police and other law enforcement agencies are obtaining data about phone calls and e-mails. In EU countries, telecommunication companies are obliged to keep data on all phone calls and internet connections in case they are needed for criminal investigations.

What we want to find out is how easy it is for the police and other law enforcement bodies to access our personal data.

If you are a civil society group concerned about this issue and interested in joining this action by sending an information request to your government, please write to our team:

For more background information, please click here to access a briefing on Mandatory Data Retention by Statewatch.