9 December 2016, at 02.15 pm
Hémicycle (Iéna), OGP Summit, Paris.

Access Info Europe, together with the Carter Center and the Centre for Law and Democracy, the FOI Advocates Network, Alianza Regional (Latin American freedom of information network), and the African Freedom of Information Centre will organise a round table titled Measuring Transparency, How open are governments in reality?. This panel session will be part of the events scheduled for the Open Government Partnership Global Summit 2016, which will take place in December 2016 in Paris.

Helen Darbishire will be the moderator of this round table which will focus on measuring whether information is really and truly available in practice, be it through access to information (FOI) laws or proactive publication (open data).

Other participants of the panel will be:

  • Laura Neuman, Carter Centre
  • Fackson Banda and Marius Lukosiunas, UNESCO
  • Carlos Iglesias, World Wide Web Foundation
  • Ernesto Bellisario, OGP Italy
  • Caroline Giraud, GFMD
  • Alejandro Ponce, World Justice Project
  • Robin Hodess, Transparency International
  • Esther Arizmendi, Transparency Council, Spain.

You can find more information and a video about the event here.