29 March 2017, at 09:30 am
Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya, Barcelona.
Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europe, will take part in the 7th Edition of the seminar called Reptes actuals del dret d’accés a la informació pública en l’àmbit de l’Administració Local (Right to Access to Public Information: Current Challenges in the Local Public Administration). This seminar is addressed to public officials and civil servants who work in the local public administration.
The event will focus on different topics related to the right to access, such as the scope and nature of the right to access to public information; the role played by the Commission regarding the access to public information; the obligation of the public administration to proactively release public information, even if it does have few means to do so; and the right to access to public information from the point of view of the citizens, the civil society organisations and the media.
Other participants in the seminar will be:
- Joan Barata Mir, Vice Dean of International Relations, Blanquerna Faculty of Communication, RamonLlull University, Barcelona.
- Josep Mir Bagó, Spokeperson of the Comissió de Garantia del dret d’accés a la informació pública de Cataluña.
- Yolanda Quintana – Journalist and General Secretary of the Plataforma para la Defensa de la Libertad de Información.