17/07/2017 at 18.30h
Ateneu Barcelonès, sala Oriol Bohigas
Luisa Izuzquiza, Communication Officer of Access Info Europe, will participate in a Conference about how to fight the political corruption in Catalonia titled “Construïm en Comú una Catalunya lliure de corrupció” (Building together a Catalonia free of corruption). The event is organised by the political party Catalunya en Comú.
The conference participants will talk about the current situation of political corruption in Catalonia and the measures that citizens and civil society can adopt in order to fight against it.
Luisa, together with Jaume Asens, deputy mayor of Barcelona City Council and Jéssica Albiach, coordinator of feminist policies and transparency of Calalynya en Comú, will discuss how to tackled the systemic corruption of our political institutions.
For more info about the event, click here (in Catalan).