23 Nov 2022

Open Beneficial Ownership Register Rules Declared Invalid by EU’s Highest Court


Madrid, 23 November 2022 – The Court of Justice of the European Union on 22 November 2022 declared invalid the provision of the Fifth European Union Anti-Money Laundering Directive that requires EU countries to provide public access to beneficial ownership registers. In a ruling that has sent shockwaves through Europe’s anti-corruption and transparency community, the Court found that the Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5, 2018) is too loosely framed and provides for overly-wide public access to the registers without a proper justification of the necessity and proportionality of the interference with the rights to privacy and personal data protection of

Open Beneficial Ownership Register Rules Declared Invalid by EU’s Highest Court2022-11-25T11:07:47+01:00
4 Sep 2020

Balancing the right to information with the right to privacy during a pandemic: Access Info discusses lessons learned and next steps at RightsCon


Access Info Europe and the Open Data Charter co-hosted a RightsCon panel where they spoke with data and privacy experts on the importance of making data open during the Covid-19 pandemic, while ensuring both the public’s safety and the privacy of the individual.

Balancing the right to information with the right to privacy during a pandemic: Access Info discusses lessons learned and next steps at RightsCon2021-03-29T15:56:39+02:00
27 Jan 2020

European Commissioners’ Expenses Transparency: Ombudsman accepts challenge to secrecy justified by “privacy”


Madrid, 27 January 2020 – The European Ombudsman has accepted two complaints from Access Info against the refusal by the European Commission to provide information about the exact nature of “miscellaneous” travel expenses claimed by various Commissioners, including former Commission President Jean Claude Juncker’s spending of €8,320 while at the G20 in Buenos Aires in November 2018. The Commission has argued that it cannot give the details of what the funds were spent on because it would violate the privacy of the Commissioners, something that Access Info is challenging. The other mystery spending which the Commission includes how Commissioner Cecilia

European Commissioners’ Expenses Transparency: Ombudsman accepts challenge to secrecy justified by “privacy”2021-03-29T15:56:52+02:00
15 May 2013

The lobby battle around data privacy


Brussels, 15 May 2013 – The European Commission has proposed new regulation on data protection, which is currently being debated in the European Parliament. However, it threatens the commercial interests of big corporations who are currently making millions from collecting and selling our private data. Big corporation are trying to do everything in their power to water down the new regulation and protect their profits at the expense of our privacy. According to Commission Vice-President Reding, who is responsible for the proposal, it is some of the most aggressive industry lobbying she has ever witnessed.

The lobby battle around data privacy2021-03-29T15:57:05+02:00