Documents on the right of Access to information in Spain
Spain is the only country in the EU with a population of more than one million which still does not have an Access to Information law. Below are some useful documents in which Access Info Europe has analysed the current relevant legal provisions in Spain as well as the draft law that Access Info had access to in 21 September 2010.
The draft law on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance:
Main problems of the draft of the Spanish RTI law
The Spanish Access to Information Draft Law
Access Info Europe comparative analysis of the draft law (in Spanish), clic here.
The Law vs the 10 principles of the Coalition Pro Acceso
Previous draft Transparency laws:
The PSOE’s draft Transparency Law, 29 July 2011
The Transparency Law proposed by the Popular Parliamentary Government, June 2011.
The draft Transparency Law (no officially presented) by the PSOE, 2010
Documents on the current Spanish legislation on Access to Information:
Analysis of the 10 principles and the Spanish legislation on access to information (document in Spanish)
The Right of Access to information: basic principles (in Spanish)
Questions and Answers (in Spanish)
Guide on how to use the Right of access to information in Spain (in Spanish)