7 Jun 2016

Access Info condemns slashing of World Bank’s Access to Information Unit


Calls for Transparency to be core part of future governance agenda Madrid, 7 June 2016 - Access Info Europe has criticised the decision by the World Bank to axe its department working on access to information and called on it to keep promotion of transparency as a core part of promoting good, open government. Access Info also expressed concern that the Bank is likely to stop work on developing indicators that can be used to measure Sustainable Development Goal 16.10.2 on the right of access to information, something that other bodies such as UNESCO had been planning to rely on

Access Info condemns slashing of World Bank’s Access to Information Unit2018-11-13T10:04:10+01:00
4 Aug 2015

Sustainable Development Goals Now Include Commitments on Transparency and Participation


Madrid, 4 August 2015 – Access Info Europe, along with the other members of the Transparency, Accountability and Participation Network, have welcomed the inclusion of specific references to open data, transparency and participation in the outcome document summarising the Third International Conference on Financing for Development. The organisations had previously written to all UN delegations on 9 April 2015 with suggestions for drafting the document that sought to strengthen the commitments on transparency and openness, some of which were taken on board. However, the organisations lamented the fact that the commiments on transparency or open data were not substantiated by

Sustainable Development Goals Now Include Commitments on Transparency and Participation2018-11-13T10:04:48+01:00