Madrid, 26 June 2014 – The book ‘El lobby en España. ¿asignatura pendiente?’ (‘Lobbying in Spain, a pending issue?’) – developed by the Foro Empresarial APRI and published by Algón Editores – will be presented today in the Political and Constitutional Studies Centre in Madrid. Access Info Europe collaborated in the book with a chapter about revolving doors.

It is a collective work that analyses the role played by lobbies, the needs they represent, the public costs that their absence would carry, the existing alternatives for their regulation, and the effects caused by the lack of it; it is a serious attempt to demystify one of the essential elements of every democratic process. A book that reflects on the connection between democratic development and the existence of a regulated and transparent lobby sector, pointing out the paradox of its consolidated tradition in many advanced democracies and in all international institutions in comparison with Spain’s incomprehensible legislative silence.

The chapter written by Access Info Europe explains what the revolving door phenomenon is, and what measures can be implemented to stop abuses. This chapter has been published under a Creative Commons License and can be downloaded in its Spanish version here: file_doc file_pdf