30 Nov 2017

Disclosed documents reveal that EU training of Libyan Coast Guard makes negligible reference to human rights protection


Madrid, 30 November 2017 – Respect and protection of human rights are a negligible part of the EU’s training to the Libyan Coast Guard, as revealed by the training materials the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) disclosed in response to an access to documents request. From a total of 20 documents – including a video – released, only 0,5% of the content is dedicated to ensuring the protection of human rights. Instead, the presentations and handouts mainly address possible indications of human trafficking, interrogation, and documentation techniques, as well as the handling of weather apps. This comes in

Disclosed documents reveal that EU training of Libyan Coast Guard makes negligible reference to human rights protection2018-11-13T10:03:06+01:00
3 Feb 2016

“The Uncounted”


'The Uncounted': Report Infographics Below you will find a series of infographics that sum up the findings and recommendations set in Access Info and the Global Detention Project's report The Uncounted: Detention of Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Europe. Please feel free to download and use these as you wish - why not share them on social media! Findings and Recommendations Report Summary And Overview Report Findings and Recommendations You can also view and share these infographics here. Who disclosed detention centres information? Who

“The Uncounted”2020-01-29T10:59:58+01:00