Madrid, 17 March 2021 – Spanish local authorities need more training (85%) and specific transparency tools (75%) in order better to fight corruption, according to a survey conducted by Access Info Europe in collaboration with the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP) and the Red de Entidades Locales por la Transparencia y la Participación Ciudadana.
Download the results of the survey (in Spanish).
Regional and local authorities from across Spain have made significant progress in implementing tools such as anonymous Whistleblower platforms, legislative footprints, and anti-fraud offices, as discussed at an event organised by Access Info Europe, in collaboration with the FEMP, on 9 March 2021.
Download the list of Tools and Resources shared during the event (in Spanish).
In response to the demand from local authorities, Access Info presented a series of transparency tools developed as part of a pan-European project financed by the European Commission. In Spain the project was implemented in collaboration with the Madrid City government. The tools presented include:
- An access to information implementation diagnostic tool;
- A corruption risk analysis questionnaire;
- An IT solutions for increased proactive publication of public contracting data;
- A platform for publishing accountability information such as assets declarations and registers of meetings with lobbyists;
- A whistleblower platform that protects the anonymity of those reporting wrongdoings.
“The diagnostics tools designed as part of this project allow us to evaluate local authorities’ performance and help them to improve transparency, bringing them in line with both relevant Spanish law and international standards,” said Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europe.
“Spain finds itself at a decisive moment in the paradigm shift needed to guarantee open government, and we must not forget the important role local authorities play in fostering integrity and transparency, and in eradicating corruption,” added Darbishire.
As part of the European project, Access Info also carried out a survey of the public officials working in Athens, Madrid and Milan city halls, which identified a significant lack of awareness of the existence of key legislation in the fight against corruption. For example, an average of 27% of officials were not aware of the existence of access to information legislation.
Training public officials is essential, not only so that they know which laws are in force and how to apply them, but also to achieve the cultural change that is essential for ending corruption and guaranteeing transparency and accountability in the Spanish public administration. Access Info has spent many years training to civil servants, as well as to journalists and the general public, in order to support advances towards a more transparent society.
- If you would like to know more about the tools Access Info is offering local authorities, please click here.